New Zealand fur seal search

The database is searched by adding filters into the text box. The filters all have the form of a name, followed by a colon, and then the value, e.g., year:2002. Multiple filters are separated by spaces. Active filters are shown above the search box, and may be removed by clicking on the cross next to them. A description of the possible filters and values is given here.

From: 2016-01-01 To: 2016-01-31 Shape: button Number: 2076 Location: central Colony: cape-foulwind Event: tag

â–²Date Event type Location Tag? Edge notches? Tag status? Sex Seal label Notes Details
29 Jan 2016 Tag Central, Cape Foulwind L1,R1 Female CF-20160129-O-2076
Team: Doug Cairns, Dan Sawyers, Guinny Coleman, Gemma Hunt, Scott Freeman